Monday 8 February 2010


Smoking, yes I smoke. I have for many years, first i was about 10 and thought it was "cool" smoking when I was with various friends, knowing it was equaly wrong aswell as damerging to my health, but at the age of 10-11 i thought this was brilliant.

As i grew older i started to smoke more and more, and the move into seniour school seen me go from smoking with only a few friends of a weekend maybe, to smoking all the time. Cigerettes were "on tap" in senior school, most of my friends i met in the toilet smoking at break times, around 10 of us in a cubical and someone watching out for the dreaded moment a teacher would walk in just after you light your one cigerrette that you may have paid up to £2 out of your dinner money on and you have to throw it straight down the toilet.

Since then I have smoked up to now, giving up now and then but never lasting very long, that one drink down the pub or a stressfull day, even after a nice meal, these little things that would make me feel like ahh i could do with a fag right now, and that how it went.

Damages of smoking.

From the resources i have read, over 300 people die in the UK a day, over smoking related illnesses, more people under 70 die from smoking rather than breast cancer, HIV, aids , traffic accident or drug use.

There are many diseases caused through smoking aswell, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and COPD. All these illnesses are caused over years of smoking, these illnesses effect breathing, the lungs and blood circulation around the body, the main cause of death through smoking is cardiovascular diseases.

Smoking causes other light diseases but these still are bad enough for a persons health, such as high blood pressure, fertility problems, bloodshop appearence and itchiness to eyes, muscular degeneration resulting to the gradule loss of eyesight, higher risk of cataracts, 25% more sick days than none-smokers, stained teeth and gums, development of ulsers and effects your looks.

So here i am with a list of what the one thing i enjoy doing in life is doing to me, so why do i keep doing it? Well i suppose that alone is the million dollor question every smoker wants the answer to.

1 comment:

  1. Hey your blog is fabulous. I agree with you and i understand how you must be feeling as a smoker. I think the fact that your friends "smoked" it kind of got to you aswell. Great work.
