Monday 22 March 2010

Bandits and Outlaws.

Robin Hood - He stole from the ritch and gave to the poor. This can be seen as nobal, but itsnt it still wrong as a case he was steeling? These days robin hood would have set us a charity and made dogs talk like they do in adverts on the telly " Hi im bob and my owners left me" or he would arrange a sponsered parachaute jump or a sponsered walk. But in them days there was nothing like that around so robbin hood took to stealing as stated, but the fact he wasnt stealing for his own selfish bennefit but in order to help others make much of a difference of their lives.

Surely some people would argue that what Robin Hood was doing was not right, as the rich people may have worked hard for there money and belongings and not appreciated someone taking from them and giving to the poor.

Monday 15 March 2010


There are many forms of drugs, both legal and illegal. Here are a few, cannabis, ecstasy, heroin, methadrone, paracetamol, calpol, coffe and tea for that matter. All of these are a substance in which we take into out body that produce us to feel different in one way or another. Paracetamol can cure a pounding head ache after a long day, cannabis can relax you after a hard day. Calpol can bring down a childs tempature and make them feel better, like i have witnessed today with my own one year old sister.

But where is a line drawn, what makes a drug illigal or legal? Who says wether a drug can help you or wether it doesnt? For example, some countries will make cannabis legal for cancer patients, but illigal for other people, so where is the line drawn between the cannabis being a help and it being an illigal abused substance.

All of the drugs I have listen are equally addictive as each, i myself had a phrase of being addicted to coffee and long periods without coffee would give me headaches, and i would get crouchy and moody towards others, but isnt this the same symptom for being who take milder forms of drugs such as cannabis, there addiction and going cold turkey will cause them to have a headache and become moody. But in that case why isnt coffee illigal?.

I honestly dont know what makes any given drug legal or illigal, but if it was thought about, through out everyones lives, everyone is a drug abuser at one time or another.

Monday 8 March 2010

Bad Cinema

The movie KIDS was released in 1995 in set in America, it is a film about teenage sexuality, HIV and drugs in NewYork. The film is directed by Larry Clark.

I found this film is shocking, i had watched it a few times before studying it, and each time i watched i equaly believed that this is both a good and bad film, i believe the film is very bad taste, but would be a good film, maybe if less graphic, to teach children about the dangers of unprotected sex and drug abuse. In the end a child who only has sex once becomes HIV possitive, when tested with a girl who has had sex with multipule partners. This is the shocking truth about how life is. And i believe children maybe in school or youth groups being shows this film, will respond with a positive agreement that it will make them realise dangers.

We watched this film in a lecture based on Bad Cinema, and even thought i would'nt class this film as one of the best i have seen i wouldn't necessary class this as bad cinema, maybe just bad taste, what do you think?

Monday 1 March 2010


A dictionary definition i found for masterbation states that masterbation is "
to give yourself or somebody else sexual pleasure by stroking the genitals, usually to orgasm"

Masturbation, myself i would say is more common in the world of men than it is woman, you hear all the time of men exchanging stories of porn they have seen or talking about how they "wanked" but i was shocked to read in the survey that more women tend to masterbate then men in there late teens but by the time they reach about twenty two, men start to take over the masturbating race. My only reason i can think of for this is that women are more likely to find a partner they settle down with and are sexualy satisfied, where as men genrally either take longer to settle down, or even when are settled down still masturbate.