Monday 15 March 2010


There are many forms of drugs, both legal and illegal. Here are a few, cannabis, ecstasy, heroin, methadrone, paracetamol, calpol, coffe and tea for that matter. All of these are a substance in which we take into out body that produce us to feel different in one way or another. Paracetamol can cure a pounding head ache after a long day, cannabis can relax you after a hard day. Calpol can bring down a childs tempature and make them feel better, like i have witnessed today with my own one year old sister.

But where is a line drawn, what makes a drug illigal or legal? Who says wether a drug can help you or wether it doesnt? For example, some countries will make cannabis legal for cancer patients, but illigal for other people, so where is the line drawn between the cannabis being a help and it being an illigal abused substance.

All of the drugs I have listen are equally addictive as each, i myself had a phrase of being addicted to coffee and long periods without coffee would give me headaches, and i would get crouchy and moody towards others, but isnt this the same symptom for being who take milder forms of drugs such as cannabis, there addiction and going cold turkey will cause them to have a headache and become moody. But in that case why isnt coffee illigal?.

I honestly dont know what makes any given drug legal or illigal, but if it was thought about, through out everyones lives, everyone is a drug abuser at one time or another.

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