Monday 26 April 2010

Nasty Comedians.

Chubby Brown... Im my opinion comedy genious, but i have bad and grotesque view of comedy, i like bad and insulting comedy, i dont know why but it seems to make me laugh. But this may be insulting to some people and they may not agree with it.

Chubby Brown is linked to being very insulting to women and putting women down, but this is also all part of his act, this is his comedy standing point, he is known for these joke.

But however much i find jokes funny, i do find jokes about race, and other former issues such as the death of jade goody offencive and not needed. This website is one i found to be shocking at it is actualy cruel how people could post these jokes.
This website is shocking and i believe it should be closed down.

Monday 19 April 2010

Body Modification.

What is body modification?
Changing the body in one way or another in various degrees from its original state to another. This can be through piercings, tattoo's, plastic surgery, lipo suction and many more. There are many types of body modification, some permanent such as tattoo's and some less permanent such as piercings. Many people younger and younger are having tattoo's and piercings these days and even plastic surgery. This has also taken a turn and is just as common in men as it is women, even though men go to more extremes.

I was around 13/14 when i had my first tattoo. I had 3 stars on my hip bone, these have this week been covered by an even bigger tattoo that goes up my stomach. i believe that i did have my first tattoo too young and as i reached the age of 19 i realised that i didnt actualy like it that much and it was really bad quality, but what could you expect from someone who would tattoo a girl of around 14 without asking her for i.d even though she clearly looked young.

I think that parents are also becoming more lenient on children and having tattoo's and piercings done, maybe they feel it leads to an easier life to allow there child to have the tattoo or piercing they wish for.

When reading through a few articals i found that the youngest person to have a boob job in the UK was 12 years old.
Do you think this is right, should a child of this age, who has'nt given her body enough time to fully develop be allowed to have a boob job at her age, her body may still be developing and changing till the age of 21, did she still feel the need to get it changed at that age, could she not of waited?

Monday 12 April 2010


Cheating.Being Dishonest. Adultery.Being Unfaithful.Doing The Dirty. Two Timing. Being A Player. Are basically all words to describe someone who cheats on their partner. But what is classed as cheating? Personally I believe this is to do with the couple in question and what their arrangement is as a couple. But there can be lots of things that constitute as cheating. Kissing another person, having sex with another person, and even flirting with another person, all of these are thing I know I wouldn't like to know my partner was doing with another woman. This would hurt.

What is Being Bad about cheating?

The desire to want someone else other than your partner, I don't think this is so much being bad, but there are other things such as lying and manipulating and taking a big risk. Maybe so many people like the risk of cheating, like an adrenaline, the thought of getting caught is what makes the experience so exciting. The voyeurism and exhibitionism is all part of the thrill.

Think about if you have ever cheated, or been cheated on, how does it make you feel? Was it worth it the hurt you caused or had inflicted on you?

Monday 22 March 2010

Bandits and Outlaws.

Robin Hood - He stole from the ritch and gave to the poor. This can be seen as nobal, but itsnt it still wrong as a case he was steeling? These days robin hood would have set us a charity and made dogs talk like they do in adverts on the telly " Hi im bob and my owners left me" or he would arrange a sponsered parachaute jump or a sponsered walk. But in them days there was nothing like that around so robbin hood took to stealing as stated, but the fact he wasnt stealing for his own selfish bennefit but in order to help others make much of a difference of their lives.

Surely some people would argue that what Robin Hood was doing was not right, as the rich people may have worked hard for there money and belongings and not appreciated someone taking from them and giving to the poor.

Monday 15 March 2010


There are many forms of drugs, both legal and illegal. Here are a few, cannabis, ecstasy, heroin, methadrone, paracetamol, calpol, coffe and tea for that matter. All of these are a substance in which we take into out body that produce us to feel different in one way or another. Paracetamol can cure a pounding head ache after a long day, cannabis can relax you after a hard day. Calpol can bring down a childs tempature and make them feel better, like i have witnessed today with my own one year old sister.

But where is a line drawn, what makes a drug illigal or legal? Who says wether a drug can help you or wether it doesnt? For example, some countries will make cannabis legal for cancer patients, but illigal for other people, so where is the line drawn between the cannabis being a help and it being an illigal abused substance.

All of the drugs I have listen are equally addictive as each, i myself had a phrase of being addicted to coffee and long periods without coffee would give me headaches, and i would get crouchy and moody towards others, but isnt this the same symptom for being who take milder forms of drugs such as cannabis, there addiction and going cold turkey will cause them to have a headache and become moody. But in that case why isnt coffee illigal?.

I honestly dont know what makes any given drug legal or illigal, but if it was thought about, through out everyones lives, everyone is a drug abuser at one time or another.

Monday 8 March 2010

Bad Cinema

The movie KIDS was released in 1995 in set in America, it is a film about teenage sexuality, HIV and drugs in NewYork. The film is directed by Larry Clark.

I found this film is shocking, i had watched it a few times before studying it, and each time i watched i equaly believed that this is both a good and bad film, i believe the film is very bad taste, but would be a good film, maybe if less graphic, to teach children about the dangers of unprotected sex and drug abuse. In the end a child who only has sex once becomes HIV possitive, when tested with a girl who has had sex with multipule partners. This is the shocking truth about how life is. And i believe children maybe in school or youth groups being shows this film, will respond with a positive agreement that it will make them realise dangers.

We watched this film in a lecture based on Bad Cinema, and even thought i would'nt class this film as one of the best i have seen i wouldn't necessary class this as bad cinema, maybe just bad taste, what do you think?

Monday 1 March 2010


A dictionary definition i found for masterbation states that masterbation is "
to give yourself or somebody else sexual pleasure by stroking the genitals, usually to orgasm"

Masturbation, myself i would say is more common in the world of men than it is woman, you hear all the time of men exchanging stories of porn they have seen or talking about how they "wanked" but i was shocked to read in the survey that more women tend to masterbate then men in there late teens but by the time they reach about twenty two, men start to take over the masturbating race. My only reason i can think of for this is that women are more likely to find a partner they settle down with and are sexualy satisfied, where as men genrally either take longer to settle down, or even when are settled down still masturbate.

Monday 22 February 2010

Lying with integruity.

Is the ability to lie something that is centre to all of us? Does everyone have it in them to lie? What about lieing is wrong? What are the worst types of lies? Is it ever right to lie to save a persons feelings?

These are questions i am going to attempt to answer throughout my blog, I honestly believe everybody has the ability to lie, everyone can say the words that become a lie, the difference between people and the ability to lie, is there reaction when they lie, people may say a good lyer will have no reaction at all and this will make them a good at lying, where as other people may laugh or twitch when lying making it a tell tail sign to another that they are lying, giving them a not very good ability to lie, but never the less the ability is there.

Would you ever lie to purposly hurt another person?
I know from my own experience, that maybe lying to save another persons feelings is ok. But in moderation, hence the saying a little white lie, i believe this is something that isnt going to harm another if the lie is made and it isnt something that is going to cause someone a great deal of stress if the truth is to come out, such as if someone see's a nice dress they like and they try it on and ask you how you think it looks, you personally dont like the dress but dont want to hurt the persons feeling so you say it is nice. A little white lie.

Monday 15 February 2010

What is bad behaviour.

Prostitution and stealing, both ways to make a living, but what is different from making this kind of living to any other types of making a wage to support a family.

A woman's choice to change her body.

Isn't it a woman's choice whether she want to make a living off her own body, a woman has the right to decide what goes on with her own body. But if a woman was to take money of a man, knowing he expects sex in return, and then does not fulfil the arrangement, then would this be stealing. The woman knows the man had paid for something in return but she has not given this. could this be classed the same way as a man walking into a shop and paying the woman behind the till for say a packet of cigarettes, but the woman does not give him the cigarette, then she is stealing from him surely.

Also if a man walked into a shop and stole the cigarettes then he is stealing, the woman expected money from him and he didn't give her the money. So isn't it just one big circle. Basically if someone does something excepting something in return that is more or less promised, it isn't good behaviour, not to do this.

Monday 8 February 2010


Smoking, yes I smoke. I have for many years, first i was about 10 and thought it was "cool" smoking when I was with various friends, knowing it was equaly wrong aswell as damerging to my health, but at the age of 10-11 i thought this was brilliant.

As i grew older i started to smoke more and more, and the move into seniour school seen me go from smoking with only a few friends of a weekend maybe, to smoking all the time. Cigerettes were "on tap" in senior school, most of my friends i met in the toilet smoking at break times, around 10 of us in a cubical and someone watching out for the dreaded moment a teacher would walk in just after you light your one cigerrette that you may have paid up to £2 out of your dinner money on and you have to throw it straight down the toilet.

Since then I have smoked up to now, giving up now and then but never lasting very long, that one drink down the pub or a stressfull day, even after a nice meal, these little things that would make me feel like ahh i could do with a fag right now, and that how it went.

Damages of smoking.

From the resources i have read, over 300 people die in the UK a day, over smoking related illnesses, more people under 70 die from smoking rather than breast cancer, HIV, aids , traffic accident or drug use.

There are many diseases caused through smoking aswell, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and COPD. All these illnesses are caused over years of smoking, these illnesses effect breathing, the lungs and blood circulation around the body, the main cause of death through smoking is cardiovascular diseases.

Smoking causes other light diseases but these still are bad enough for a persons health, such as high blood pressure, fertility problems, bloodshop appearence and itchiness to eyes, muscular degeneration resulting to the gradule loss of eyesight, higher risk of cataracts, 25% more sick days than none-smokers, stained teeth and gums, development of ulsers and effects your looks.

So here i am with a list of what the one thing i enjoy doing in life is doing to me, so why do i keep doing it? Well i suppose that alone is the million dollor question every smoker wants the answer to.

Saturday 30 January 2010

Introdution to Being Bad.

The introduction to are module was both interesting and funny. I am in a lecure with friends i know and also people i have never met before, this is both good and bad, as the people i know i am confident around and can have fun with but the people i dont i am shy around making me not want to answer questions in the lecture but also shy about interacting, this is something i will work on and hopefully soon get to know everyone. Also the confessions were both funny and i think brought everyone out of their shell a little. Well heres the start to a long couple of weeks of lectures, blogging and Being Bad :) x